Online Platform Services

Spoken Language Processing

  • Date:20 July, 2022
  • Domain:Computational Language Assessment
  • Category:Development
  • Access:Free Online Access

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  • Spoken Language Analysis

    The Spoken Language Analysis module of Open Brain AI offers a variety of tools for speech-to-text and automatic analysis of transcribed texts concerning the different linguistic levels.


    The first step in the Spoken Language Analysis module is transcription. Open Brain AI offers automatic transcription using an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. The ASR system used is Google Speech-to-Text, which is one of the most accurate commercial ASR systems available.

    There are two options for dealing with background noise in the audio files:

    • Keep the background noise and consider it in the analysis. This is the default option.
    • Remove the background noise and automatically analyze the text transcript for grammar without it. This option is available if you want to remove any distractions from the analysis.

    Speaker Segmentation

    If there is more than one speaker in the audio file, the Spoken Language Analysis module splits the transcription into separate transcripts for each speaker. This is useful for clinical settings, where you may want to analyze the speech of a patient and their clinician separately.

    Word Alignment

    The Spoken Language Analysis module aligns the words in the transcription with the sound wave. This allows you to perform further acoustic analysis, such as measuring the duration of words.

    Linguistic Analysis & AI Discourse Analysis.

    The Spoken Language Analysis module subsequetly analyzes the grammar of the transcribed text. This includes analyzing the morphology, phonology, syntax, lexicon, and semantics of the text. A GPT3 large language model, which is a type of artificial intelligence that can understand and generate human language analyzes in combination both the text and the morphosyntactic measures to provide:

    • Computational Discourse Analysis - Macrostructure (e.g., cohesion and coherence)
    • Computational Discourse Analysis - Microstructure
    • Error Analysis
    • Recommendations on whether there is evidence for a possible speech, language, and communication impairment.

    Acoustic Analysis

    The Spoken Language Analysis module also provides acoustic analysis measures from the speech recordings. This includes analyzing the pitch, loudness, and the duration of the sounds.

    Acoustic analysis can be used to identify abnormalities in speech production, such as those that occur in people with aphasia.


    The Spoken Language Analysis module provides a variety of tools for speech-to-text and automatic analysis of transcribed texts concerning the different linguistic levels. These tools can be used by clinicians and researchers to assess the speech of people with speech, language, and communication disorders.

    Learn more about our other services:
    AI Analysis of Discourse
    We provide discourse analysis using AI. We offer recommendations on the Cohesion and Coherence, checks the errors, and suggests whether there are pathological impairments.
    Written Language Analysis
    We analyze written language and provide measures and scores about all linguistic domains, including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, lexicon, and readability measures.
    Clinical Toolkit
    Automatic sound recording analysis, semantics scoring, spelling performance, and phonological performace.